Fun & Off Topic Understanding Your Line Quality

29.07.2010, 19:48 - DeltaPapa07 - Administrator - 3853 Contributi

Understanding Your Line Quality

We give each test result a grade to help you interpret the overall quality. We also show the specific packet loss, ping and jitter values that make up your grade. When we are unable to measure one or more of them you will see a grade of N/A. Certain firewall configurations, Java not being installed or other technical issues can cause this, but it is possible that simply testing again will fix the problem. Feel free to test often, and read on to learn more!


An excellent result! Expect all Internet applications to work very well assuming you have sufficient bandwidth. Use to see.

MOS greater than 4.37 (Example - a ping below 50 ms with 0% packet loss)


Very good! Your connection should work well for any Internet application. Some online games may not perform optimally.

MOS between 4.28 and 4.37 (Example - a ping around 90 ms with 0% packet loss)


Acceptable. Your VoIP quality will suffer some, and you will have a disadvantage in many online games. Most streaming media will be fine. You should try testing again to another server close to you.

MOS between 4.00 and 4.27 (Example - a ping around 150 ms with 1% packet loss)


Concerning. Most online applications will not perform well but should function in some capacity. Try testing to other servers to verify the result. You might need to contact your ISP for help.

MOS between 2.50 and 3.99 (Example - a ping around 300 ms with 3% packet loss)


Very poor. Real-time Internet application performance will suffer greatly on such a connection. Test to other servers to confirm the result, but definitely talk to your ISP about troubleshooting the issue.

MOS lower than 2.50 (Example - a ping above 500 ms with 20% packet loss)

... kAo$ wir kriegen sie alle ... . [B] [Battlefield][COLOR=#FFFFFF] VETERAN Status 2 [/COLOR][/B] . . [B][COLOR=#FFFFFF]... Einen Vorsprung im Leben hat, wer da anpackt, wo die anderen erst einmal reden. ... [/COLOR] John F. Kennedy[/B]

29.07.2010, 19:50 - DeltaPapa07 - Administrator - 3853 Contributi
Meine DSL Verbindung hat die A Qualit?t

Kann man unter dem Menue Pkt SERVER ansehen.

Was es alles so gibt

Gruss Delta

... kAo$ wir kriegen sie alle ... . [B] [Battlefield][COLOR=#FFFFFF] VETERAN Status 2 [/COLOR][/B] . . [B][COLOR=#FFFFFF]... Einen Vorsprung im Leben hat, wer da anpackt, wo die anderen erst einmal reden. ... [/COLOR] John F. Kennedy[/B]

30.07.2010, 01:41 - sarglede - Board Einsteiger - 22 Contributi
Internet Service Provider: bluewin
Internet Abo:VDSL 20/1 Mbit
Betriebssystem: Windows 7 64bit
Internet Browser: Firefox 32bit ver. 3.6
(Dimensione personalizzare: 400x750px, png)


[Align=center]. . . leer da unerwünscht. . . [/Align][IMG][/IMG]

02.08.2010, 11:56 - Tommy164 - Board Redakteur - 491 Contributi
ja die Schweizer sparen nicht an ihrem Internetnetzwerk!

ich bin der blöde Tommy und mach euch alle !!

02.08.2010, 21:52 - sarglede - Board Einsteiger - 22 Contributi

bei uns kriegt man mind. den speed den man bezahlt... ;-)

nebenbei bemerkt... das l?uft noch auf ner kupfer-leitung die letzten kilometer... amused

[Align=center]. . . leer da unerwünscht. . . [/Align][IMG][/IMG]

30.08.2010, 16:34 - Heinrich2008 - Board Redakteur - 854 Contributi

Speed ist nicht alles:

Aua crazy